service value - перевод на Английский
Словарь онлайн

service value - перевод на Английский

Value-added service provider; Content provider; Value-added services; Content Providers; Value added service; Value-adding service; Value added services; Content providers

service value      
value added         
Value-add; Value-added; Value added good; Value add; Added cost; Value added ratio; Value-Added; Value-adding; Add value; VALUE ADDED ACTIVITY; Value added product; Value-added product


бухгалтерский учет

добавленная стоимость (разница между ценностью продукции фирмы или отрасли и стоимостью сырья, комплектующих изделий и услуг (кроме рабочей силы, платы за землю), приобретаемых для обеспечения выпуска этой продукции)


условно-чистая продукция



добавленная обработкой

условно чистая продукция


added value; added cost

content provider         

общая лексика


поставщик онлайновой информации

организация или частные лица, создающие информационный, образовательный или развлекательный контент для Интернета, копакт-дисков или других сред


провайдер контента (содержимого) контент-провайдер

Смотрите также

ASP; content; content aggregator; IAP; ISP; push technology; service provider; Web clipping; WWW


(англ. Intelligence Service), общее наименование разведывательных и контрразведывательных служб Великобритании.


Value-added service

A value-added service (VAS) is a popular telecommunications industry term for non-core services, or, in short, all services beyond standard voice calls and fax transmissions. However, it can be used in any service industry, for services available at little or no cost, to promote their primary business. In the telecommunications industry, on a conceptual level, value-added services add value to the standard service offering, spurring subscribers to use their phone more and allowing the operator to drive up their average revenue per user. For mobile phones, technologies like SMS, MMS and data access were historically usually considered value-added services, but in recent years SMS, MMS and data access have more and more become core services, and VAS therefore has begun to exclude those services.

Mobile VAS services can be categorized into:

  • Consumer behavior VAS
  • Network VAS
  • Enterprise VAS

A distinction may also be made between standard (peer-to-peer) content and premium-charged content. These are called mobile value-added services (MVAS), which are often simply referred to as VAS.

Value-added services are supplied either in-house by the mobile network operator themselves or by a third-party value-added service provider, also known as a content provider such as All Headline News or Reuters.

Value-added service providers typically connect to the operator using protocols like Short message peer-to-peer protocol, connecting either directly to the short message service centre or, increasingly, to a messaging gateway that gives the operator better control of the content. Several other operators are approaching banking on possible revenue streams by building value-added services (VAS), which is generally available with rewards-based schemes.

Примеры употребления для service value
1. Following criticism in the Graf report, the BBC has closed websites that were deemed not distinctive enough or whose public service value did not outweigh their negative affect on commercial rivals.
2. Galileo offers open service (free of charge similar to the one offered by GPS), safety of life service, commercial service (value–added service on payment of a fee), public regulated service designed specially for governmental applications, and search and rescue service.
3. Thompson, while not as much of a sports fanatic as his predecessor Greg Dyke, recognises its public–service value, particularly during big events such as the Olympics and the World Cup, and frequently makes great play of its ability to bind the nation together.
4. The sampling margin of error is 5.58%. The overall average is composed of six main parameters: customer satisfaction with the wait for a representative, courtesy of service, professionalism of service, value for money, willingness to remain a customer and likelihood of recommending the company to friends.
5. Working with the local authorities during his two–day visit to the mid–land province on September 16–17, President Triet appreciated the province‘s year–on–year growth rates of 10.'% in GDP, 13% in industrial production and service value, and its export turnover of US$200 million, which ranks 1'th of its kind in the country.